
The Cast

The Chickenman aka Jim, Dad, Daddy

The Chickenman was the chicken business for almost 30 years.  He writes cowboy poetry and loves cowboy music.  He studied Agronomy college and is a Vietnam veteran.  He the Master of the grill and makes the best Texas Chili you have ever eaten in your life!

The Princess aka Mandy-Jo

Mandy-Jo, our daughter, attends grad school at Texas Tech University and is studying Muscle Biology.  She is a former National Beef Ambassador, a National and World Champion Collegiate Meat Judger and a member of the 2013 Collegiate National Champion Meat Science Quiz Bowl Team.  You might say she is a little competitive!

Brahma Mama aka Melissa

I’m a lover of all things Beef.  I have a degree in Animal Science and Biology.  I’m an Agvocate for Agriculture and addicted to Pinterest, Facebook & Twitter and Instagram.  This year I am serving on the American Brahman Breeders Association Communcation Committee and the Beef Promotion Committee for the American National CattleWomen.

We have two dogs, Lorie darlin’ a Great Pyrenees and Woodrow the Weinerdog.

There is a horse (Chief) and a donkey (Pedro) in our pasture and we affectionately refer to them as “non-functional pasture decoration”.

Then there are the Brahmans…

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